Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pet Insurance Moreover Health Insurance Quotes: Online Guide

A recent survey estimated that the average dog owner will visit the vet two-three times a year and spend an average of two hundred dollars. Pet owners who have cats will spend a little bit less. That estimate is for the normal routine stuff like sterilization (spaying or neutering), vaccinations, worming, and a heartworm test; you’re normally in and out of the veterinarian’s office in approximately fifteen minutes.  It’s hard to imagine what the trip to the veterinarian’s office would cost if your pet was suffering from a really serious medical problem such as benign tumors or a broken leg.
Approximately three percent of pet owners in the United States have decided that the best way to deal with financing their pets vet bill is to purchase pet health care insurance. Pet health care insurance is similar to human health care insurance. The pet owner pays a monthly premium and when the pet has to go to the veterinarian’s office the insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the bill minus the deductible.
Before a pet owner purchases a pet health care plan they need to get some estimates/quotes on various plans. Before the pet owner goes online to find a quote they need to grab a pad of paper and write down two things. The first thing they need is a wish list of the type of pet health insurance coverage you would like to get. This list can include things like prescription coverage, low deductibles, dental, annual checkups, spaying and nueturing, declawing and anything else you can think of. It is important to remember that you may not be able to find a pet health insurance plan that will have everything you want, circle the items that you simply can't live without. The second thing you need to write down is what is the most you can spend each month on your pet’s health insurance plan. Keep this number close by so you don't splurge on an insurance plan you won’t be able to afford.
Now do a couple internet searches to find all the names of pet health insurance companies. Go through the list and find all the companies that have health insurance plans that are compatible to your wish list and seem to be in your budget. Try to narrow the list down to the five most likely possibilities.
Now that you have five health insurance companies that seem like real possibilities go to their quote section on the webpage. Follow the instructions and enter all of your pet’s pertinent information.
If the quote is satisfactory its time to proceed to the next step. Call your pet’s veterinarian and ask the clinic will accepts this particular brand of insurance. If the vet clinic you use doesn’t accept insurance from that company move to your next possibility. You’ll probably have a harder time finding another good vet then another pet health insurance company. Now all you really have left to do is to talk to the pet insurance companies representative.

Pet Health Insurance in California

In 1849 hundreds of men made the grueling climb across the Rocky mountain range before stepping onto California's soil.  These men, who history remembers as forty-niners, came to California with dreams of striking a mother lode of gold and spending the rest of their days in the lap of luxury. Few of these forty-niners had possessions worth speaking of, just the tattered torn clothes they were wearing, a shovel, a pan specially designed to sift through river sediment, and an old mule to haul their find out of the mountains.

Over a hundred and fifty years have passed since the last forty-niner made their final trek across the Rockies with only his own voice and a cantankerous old mule named Worthless for company.  In this new modern world a different type of person is journeying across the country seeking the answers to all their dreams and prayers in the warm California sunlight. Today its students, freshly armed with brand new high school diplomas and a tiny sub-compact car loaded down with expensive clothing and glamour shots, seeking not gold but rather fame under the bright lights of an acting studio. Like the fortey-niners, many of these future stars have only their CD collections and a family pet to keep them company on the long drive across the country.

What many of these Hollywood hopefuls don't realize is the animal health branch of the California Department of Food and Agriculture has rules and regulations for bringing pets into the state. Most of the rules will involve the young pet owner to take their pet to the veterinarian for a round of shots and an exam before leaving for the land of movie stars and millionaires. The purchase of pet health care coverage can sometimes let the youngsters get the routine vet work out of the way without forcing them to dip to heavily into their savings.

Domestic cats that are infected with a contagious disease are not allowed into California. Cats are not required to have a current rabies vaccination nor do they have to have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection before they cross the state line into California. They must have a health certificate if they are coming from an area that was under rabies quarantine. If you are coming into the state of California via airplane check with the airline about what health requirements they enforce before allowing your cat to fly. Before you leave your home town for the California shore line, ask your veterinarian what can be done to make the trip as comfortable and safe for your cat.
Just like cats the California Department of Food and Agriculture will not allow dogs that are carrying an infectious disease to cross the state line into California. Any dog over four months of age is required to a certificate stating the date of its last rabies vaccination, the type of vaccination used, the manufacturer lot number of the rabies vaccine used, and the name of the vet who gave the injection. If you are traveling by plane ask the airline about any additional health requirements your dog must meet before it is allowed to fly. The sooner you contact your airline the better.
If you are bringing a more exotic type of pet, such as a potbellied pig, into the state of California you may be required to have an entry permit.

Pet Health Insurance

Recent revelations in scientific research have provided pet owners with the means to now save their beloved family pets from injuries and diseases that would have caused the pet to be euthanized in the not so distant past.  The sad news is that when the unthinkable happens and a pet life hangs in the balance most pet owners find that they are unable to afford the often staggering price of the treatments which can range from $3000-$10000 and some cases even more, and are forced to euthanize their pets anyway. It is in these instances that pet owners wish they had the foresight to purchase a pet health insurance policy.

Pet health insurance is similar to human health insurance.

Pet owners who purchase pet health insurance plans from pet health insurance companies do so for a variety of reasons. They might be intrigued by the idea that they will be able to save on their pets annual trip to the vet or they might just be worried that if a serious health crisis develops they wont be able to afford the treatment,

Pet owners can pick from a variety of plants such as pet fatality/mortality insurance, major medical insurance, and basic medical insurance (policy names may vary from company to company.) Many pet health care insurance companies offer option a variety of additional riders to complement the pet health care insurance plan.
Mortality/fatality pet insurance is similar to human life insurance.  The owner pays a premium every month the pet is alive in any event of its death the owner is reimbursed a predetermined amount of money. While the mortality/fatality insurance does not take the sting out of losing a beloved family pet it may help of any additional medical bills that accumulated at the end of your pet's life.  Many owners used the check to assist with purchasing a new family pet. One thing's owners should be aware of when they possess AA mortality/fatality pet insurance plan is that most companies require that the owner contact them be for the pet is euthanized. They will often asked to speak to the veterinarian in charge of your pet's case.
Basic medical health insurance typically covers veterinarian expenses such as accidents, non-elective surgeries, hospitalization, and illnesses. One popular insurance company offers a plan that pays from cuts to cancer up to $1000; most pet owners use this plan for emergencies only. Pet owners are advised to purchase a pet health care insurance plan as early in their pet’s life as possible. Many insurance companies and veterinarians point out that most freak accidents happen in the early years of a pet’s life. Owners should be aware that most pet health insurance plans do not convert genetic dis-orders that develop in certain breeds and some of the more expensive surgeries. Most insurance plans also will not touch pre-existing conditions
Horse owners may want to consider purchasing a loss of use policy for their horses. A loss of use policy pays if the force is injured so badly it is no longer able to be ridden or bred, but is not so badly injured to justify euthanizing the animal.

Pet Health Insurance Veterinary eye Concerns for Pet Dogs

Owners who are considering purchasing pet health insurance for their dogs should make sure that the eye health of their dogs covered by the insurance policy. Because many insurance companies will not insure the eyes of a dog whose breed is habitually diagnosed with chronic eye problems may want to consider purchasing their puppy from a CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation). Breeders who are recognized by the CERF have been publicly acknowledged as breeding puppies without known health problems. In some cases insurance companies might also require that the owners have genetic screening done on the puppies before they can be insured.

Glaucoma is a common eye condition that begins with very subtle symptoms such as dilated pupils that don't respond well to light, and eye that appears to be red, poor vision, and corneas are often cloudy.  One California-based veterinarian claims that because the initial symptoms of Glaucoma can be very subtle many California pet owners to not immediately bring their dogs and for an examination.  If Glaucoma is not immediately seen by a veterinarian within 24 to 48 hours the increased pressure in the eyeball can lead to permit it cases of blindness.  In severe cases of untreated Glaucoma veterinarians have been forced to remove the pet's eye.
Any dog who has the developed an irritation in their eye that causes them to square to produce extra tears is called a "squinting dog".  Most cases of squinting is caused from a minor irritation such as an in turned eyelash or minor scratch to the cornea.  However some cases of squinting dog has led to the early diagnosis of diseases such as cancer and Blastomyosis.

The Dermoidis is a benign corneal neoplasam. It is sometimes referred to as the third eyelid. Hair growing from the Dermoidis can irritate the dog’s eye which can cause discharge and occasionally cause an ulcer to appear on the eye.
Once you have seen a person or animal with cataracts you will always be able to diagnose them. The official definition of a cataract is opacity of the lens. When you look into an eye that has a cataract it looks as if a darkly tinted contact lens has been placed over the lens. If the cataracts become too thick the pet will go blind.

Shar Peis. Cocker Spaniels, Labradors, and Rottweilers are susceptible to eye condition called Entropion. Entropio, happens when an eyelid fold inward toward the eye and causes the eyelashes to brush against the cornea. The irritation of the eyelashes rubbing the cornea generally gives the eye a squinty drippy appearance. Bulldogs, Poodles, and Cocker Spaniels are often diagnosed with a condition called Cherry eye.

Dry eyes is the term used to describe the eyes of a dog that isn’t producing enough tears. Lhasa Apso, Pugs, and Shih Tzus are breeds that are particularly susceptible to dry eyes. Dog owners should bring their dogs to the veterinarian as soon as they notice any of the following conditions; squinting, tearing, pawing at the eye, cloudiness, bloody eyes, a blind eye (this can happen very abruptly), constantly dilated pupils, and swollen eyelids. Dog owners need to understand that early diagnosis is often the key to preventing further eye issues.

Pet Health Insurance for VIP's

When most people think a pet is spoiled feel that it is getting to many treats, has too many expensive toys scattered around the ground, or it’s allowed to sleep at night in bed with its humans, normally taking up the entire bed and hogging all the covers. I once even saw a pot bellied pig who was so spoiled that its humans designed an built the miniature porker its very own out house so it wouldn't get cold answering natures call.
Japanese pet owners take the term very-important-pets to a whole new level. In Japan well loved pets enjoy aromatherapy, acupuncture, trips to the doggie spa where they a lovingly massaged, and in some cases have their very own personal trainers.
It is a well known fact that we tend to spoil our pets because we love them we want them to have the best of everything but recent studies have shown that pampering our pets might actually doing as much harm as good. One recent study from an undisclosed source claims that we are actually making our beloved pets stupid by spoiling them. We are in such a hurry to make their lives easier that we take away their need to problem solve on their own. The less they have to loose their brains the less they can do on their own. This problem is especially common in households were the dog seems to be running the show. What would happen to that pet if it really had to think for itself?
A concern veterinarians have regarding spoiled pets is weight. The more spoiled the pet the more obese it seems to become. The obesity can lead to later health issues that can actually decrease the life of the pet. Weight can affect the skeletal system until hip problems start to develop, obesity can cause respiratory and cardiac problems, the extra pounds of blubber constantly pushing on the joints can start to create stiffness and discomfort. 
It is not uncommon for veterinarians to see a lot of the spoiled pet as it enters into the last few years of its life. The problem with older overweight pets is that every time they are brought to the vet clinic they are exposed to more germs, bacteria, and viruses that can lead to still more endless trips to the vet.
For the most part the humans caring for the very-important-pet don't have to worry about the increasing number of the visits to see a doctor. Most doting parents bought pet health care insurance during the early years of the pet’s life. All of the pet’s health care needs are essentially bought and paid for.
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if in a few years you didn't see pet health insurance companies raising the rates of their VIP customers. On solution to the pudgy, somewhat shallow house pet is the appearance of specialist animal slimming clinics. Pet owners can go to these clinics and learn all about their pets nutritional needs and exercise programs that will help the spoiled child start to shed some of those unnecessary pounds.