Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Insurance and your Financial Retirement

When planning your financial retirement there are many things you should consider before taking the plunge and not all of them are overtly financial, though in some large way they are all very financial considerations, particularly if you don't take the time now to consider their importance later. Insurance is an important consideration when it comes to retirement. Depending on your age at retirement you may or may not qualify for Medicaid, which could leave you in a bit of a pickle when it comes to covering the high cost of insuring your health.

If you have a spouse that will continue working for a year or two you may want to consider the cost of being added to his or her insurance coverage. Chances are it will be less expensive than striking out on your own for health insurance coverage, which tends to increase in cost with age and according to health.

Dental insurance is another huge consideration among those approaching retirement age. The cost of actual dental insurance can be quite cost prohibitive but there are other options in the form of discount programs. There are quite a few programs that exist and all you really need to do is a quick Internet search in order to find more than a few good prospects. You will want to make sure that the plan you are considering has providers in your area before signing up. Some of these plans actually offer discounts on other services such as vision, prescription drugs, and even medical care. The costs typically vary according to the offerings of the plans in question.

Medications are another important consideration when retiring, particularly if you are planning to retire early or prior to the traditional retirement age of 65 when Medicaid kicks in. Some of the plans mentioned above offer discounts on prescription drugs and there are other things you can do such as asking your doctor about generic options or less expensive methods for medication that might exist. Some drug companies are offering free medications to people who meet their qualifications.

Long-term care insurance is a relatively new concept and something that many of us do not wish to consider but is something that really should be considered when you are young enough to get reasonable rates. If you are in your 50's and early 60's you should be able to get this particular type of insurance for around $100 a month. Whether you want to acknowledge that this could be a need for you or not, the odds are that it will be a very real need in time. Unless you plan to leave significant amount of debt in your wake it is a good idea to make sure you invest in long-term care insurance.

Home and auto insurance typically go through a reduction in cost as you age. This is good news on many levels as it leaves you the option of picking up additional insurance coverage or at the very least filling in the gaps that some of your other insurance costs are leaving in your carefully planned budget. You should keep in mind however that once you reach a certain age they will begin to rise again. Save the pennies you save on the premiums during the good years in order to cover the costs during the lean years. Insurance is one of those costs that simply must be covered. It helps greatly if you plan for these costs when creating your retirement budget.


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